Monday, August 27, 2012

Joy through Trials

Last October, my dad was complaining about his leg hurting. Thinking it was just a tennis injury, he tried to play through the pain. But when the pain got worse, my dad finally relented and went to the doctor (a very rare occurrence).  The doctor thought it was a hematoma (a pool of blood in the muscle), and that it would heal eventually. 

 As the months went by, it was clear that Dad's leg wasn't getting better. So this June, Dad went in to the doctor again, and he was sent quickly to the U of M to a doctor for soft tissue cancer. We found out that Dad had a cancerous tumor in the back of his thigh (or hamstring, I guess). The tumor was successfully removed and Dad was very glad that his leg didn't hurt anymore. But the way the tumor looked, the doctors knew that the tumor had come from another place in Dad's body. They started the search for the origin of the cancer and found that the lymph nodes in his lungs were affected and were probably the source.

Now, after a long summer of searching and not knowing, Dad is having his first chemo and radiation treatment today. He will be undergoing an aggressive 6-7 weeks of both chemo and radiation. Thankfully, his doctor is one we know very well already! Dr. Laudi, who treated my mom during her bouts with lymphoma, is going to be Dad's doctor as well. God has a very good reason for putting Dr. Laudi into our family's path and maybe we'll be able to see that reason soon! 

It's hard to believe that this whole cancer thing is going on again only with my dad this time. . . I've been trying not to ask those "what if" questions, because it doesn't really do much good. But I do know that no matter what happens, that God does have a purpose and plan that is for our good and His glory! We sang a song in church yesterday that was such a blessing to me (especially the part that I underlined). It's called O God, My Joy by Paul Keew and Brian Pinner.

O God, my joy, You reign above in radiant splendor and beauty.
Your Word has drawn my heart to love the awesome sight of Your glory.
Your blazing Light and gospel grace shine brightly from my Savior’s face.
No other wonder would I see than Christ enthroned in His glory!

Sustained by joy in trial and pain, I trust Your wisdom and mercy.
Through suff’ring that Your love ordains, more like Your Son You will make me.
For Christ embraced the cross of shame, beholding glorious joys to come.
O give me faith like His to see that suff’ring lifts me to glory!

Compelled by joy, I fight the sin that turns my gaze from Your glory.
Your Holy Spirit dwells within; His presence arms me for vict’ry.
Let death and hell against me rise; through death I’ll gain eternal joys.
All pow’rs of hell will bend the knee before my great King of Glory!

Please pray for our parents as they go through this journey again. And for Ann and Mark as they are the only ones of us kids there to help them. Also, pray for Dr. Laudi's salvation-- maybe he'll be able to see the joy of the Lord and realize that he could have that too! It's so good to know that we can have joy and strength through trials because we have true Hope!